Star Wars Collection for Sale!

blue ball.gif (264 bytes) Action Figures   blue ball.gif (264 bytes) Posters   blue ball.gif (264 bytes) Books   blue ball.gif (264 bytes) Trading Cards

and much more!

All items are original and most in near mint condition!

Many Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones items for sale as well!


Table of Contents Action Figures Books Comic Books Fan Club Magazines Miscellaneous Movie Posters Toys Trading Cards Condition Grading How to Buy


Thank you for stopping by.  I have tried to include as much information as possible for you, including images, to help you with your buying decisions.  If you're looking for something in particular, go to my Table of Contents page, which lists all the items in my Star Wars collection alphabetically under the headings above.

About Pricing

I have researched several sources to find a fair market price for the pieces in my collection.  I adjusted the value of these items depending on their quality and condition.  These prices, however, are not written in stone.  I'm willing to negotiate, so if you really want something, just ask. 

Make Me An Offer!

Many items I have not priced and have listed as MMAO (Make Me an Offer).  In other words,  offer me a fair market price for the item and I'll probably accept it.


If you decide to order, you'll want to read my How to Buy section. 


Raiders and Labyrinth

My admiration for George Lucas' work led me to collect movie posters from the Indiana Jones movies.  I've included some of these items in my sale.  For Labyrinth fans, I have a real treat -- a rare  Labyrinth Teaser poster in near mint condition.

Indiana Jones Advanced

Labyrinth Teaser

Updated on 10/06/99 


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For ordering information see the How to Buy page.

Please feel free to contact me: email.gif (1024 bytes)